Overwatch 2 is out on consoles and PCs and, despite a somewhat messy launch, the game has attracted a steady stream of players. However, the aiming mechanism is one of the chief gripes players seem to have with the latest hero shooter. Many have described it as "aiming on ice," which is a big problem for a fast-paced competitive shooter. This guide will tackle potential issues with the aim and how they can be rectified via the settings.
Does Overwatch 2 have aim assist?
Yes, similar to its predecessor, Overwatch 2 also has an aim assist. It can be enabled from Settings -> General -> Controller. Under the Controller section, select Advanced, and here, controller users can find a handful of variables to be tweaked. Some of them can be obtuse and are explained as follows:
- Aim Smoothing: Governs mouse acceleration. 0 value gives the highest acceleration possible.
- Aim Ease In: Determines how fast aim assist kicks in depending on chosen Aim Technique
- Aim Technique: Players can select between Dual-Zone, Exponential Ramp, and Linear Ramp. Without going into too much detail, Dual-Zone offers the most PC-like aim due to having consistent sensitivity around the center of the stick while increasing near the edges. Exponential increases sensitivity depending on stick movement, while Linear causes it to stay the same throughout.
Why does the aiming fee off, and how to fix it?
For one, Overwatch 2 grants a passive buff to all players that increases the movement speed by 10%. This was enough to throw off many players returning from the original 2016 game. But that is not all. Other in-game settings are also causing issues.
Various settings can be tweaked to make aiming feel better in Overwatch 2.
- For PC: Set Aim Smoothing and Aim Ease to 0. There seems to be a bug in the game that bleeds over controller settings to the PC's keyboard and mouse controls. This likely results in a conflict responsible for the delay felt by fans. Turning these assist features off should resolve the issue.
- For console: Aim Assist Strength (set to 100), Aim Assist Window Size (set to at least 50), Aim Assist Legacy Mode (turn it Off), Aim Assist Ease In (at least 50, can change depending on preference), Aim Smoothing (set between 90-100) and Aim Ease In (off or between 0-5)
- For both console and PC: Under Accessibility in Settings, set Camera Shake to Reduced, HUD Shake to Off, and Camera Shake to Off. This should minimize any distractions when playing.
These other options can further help rectify the aiming issues on PC:
- Turn off Dynamic Render Scale: After some tinkering, fans have reported that turning off this option under the Video section of the Settings improved the experience for them. Found under the Video tab in Settings.
- Turn V-Sync Off and tweak Frame Rate settings: V-sync delays input to tie into the frame rate cap, something we do not need in a fast-paced shooter like Overwatch 2. Furthermore, set Desired and Maximum FFrame Rate to the upper levels, like 300-400.
- Enable High Precision Mouse Input: This option was enabled in the first game but seemed disabled by default in the successor. Could you set it to On? It is under the Miscellaneous category and can be found here: Settings -> Gameplay -> General. It should offer more concise aiming as players move the aiming reticle around.
Overwatch 2 is available as a free-to-play experience on PC, PS4, PS5, XB1, XSX|S, and Nintendo Switch.
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