The Diablo 4 authentication error continues to be one of the more pressing performance issues that the game is facing on every platform. While it was initially limited to the PlayStation version of the game, it seems that even PC and Xbox users have been encountering the problem quite frequently in recent days.
The “Problem authenticating your account” error occurs when the client cannot identify your Blizzard account when starting the game. This usually occurs when the servers are likely facing a good deal of bugs or login surges or when the game is not updated to the latest patch.
As there are no permanent fixes for the issue, here are some workarounds you can try to deal with the “Problem authenticating your account” error in Diablo 4.
Fixing the “Problem authenticating your account” in Diablo 4 on PC
Note: The following methods have helped fix the “Problem authenticating your account” error for some Diablo 4 users, but are not guaranteed to work for everyone.
1) Restarting the game and
The first thing you will be required to do will be to restart the title, as well as the client. While it may not seem like this will fix the problem, there are many in the Diablo community who were able to log into the game simply by restarting the game a couple of times.
2) Checking the server status
It’s likely that the “Problem authenticating your account” error in Diablo 4 is caused by the game’s servers themselves. Hence, you might want to check their server stability by making your way to their official Twitter account, as the developers usually update players on all the major issues faced by the game.
3) Update the game
If there is a new version of the game, you will need to update it by selecting the title in the client, then clicking on the “check for updates” option in the Settings page. This will check for the latest versions of the game and install them automatically.
Fixing the “Problem authenticating your account” error in Diablo 4 on PlayStation and Xbox
Those facing the issue on consoles will need to check for the game’s servers and update the title to the latest version. If there is a new patch out, players will need to select the game on their devices, press “start” or “options,” and then “check for updates.”
This will automatically update the title to the latest version.
Reach out to Diablo 4 customer support
If you continue to face the “Problem authenticating your account” error, then you will need to reach out to Blizzard support to help you out. They will attempt to fix the game for you from their end.
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