Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all-new Monday, April 1, 2024, season 21 episode 6 called, “Strange Invaders,” and we have your weekly NCIS recap below.
In tonight’s NCIS season 21 episode 6, “After discovering a navy pilot’s body riddled with unusual wounds, NCIS’ investigation draws the team into the rabbit hole of UFO conspiracy theories.”
So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET for our NCIS recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our NCIS recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!
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In tonight’s NCIS recap, Dr. Grace recommended that Special Agent Torres do something fun. Something that will spark joy. He thought he should throw an 80s theme party.
He was talking about it with Knight when they got called to the scene of a homicide. Naval Lt Elliot Greene had been murdered at his home.
He was shot several times. The killer might have used a helicopter or some flying object because he shot the victim through the high window.
There were no trees that go up that high in the nearby area. McGee checked. The only possible means of shooting from such a height in that neighborhood seemed to be flying plane or unidentified aircraft. Jimmy suggested an air ballon.
Jimmy also recognized the victim. The victim was recently testifying before congress. Greene went before congress to discuss his contact with an unidentified aerial phenomenon.
Otherwise known as aliens. Greene was a credible guy or at least he was before he went on record about aliens. He was a fighter pilot. He said he came across a flying plane that didn’t look like a plane. It also seemed to anticipate his every move. He genuinely believed he came across aliens and aliens would explain his murder.
There were no bullets found in Greene. He was shot over ten times. There were no bullets found at the scene nor in the victim. There were only six exit wounds, but where did the bullets go?
It also had to be a modified gun because the holes in Greene didn’t match anything they had on record. Jimmy took a sample from inside the wounds to send to Kasie. Kasie ran tests on it and it showed that it was element 116. Something that doesn’t exist on the earth. It also destroyed the system while it was being tested.
Naturally, everyone came to believe aliens killed Greene. It was either that or Russians somehow synthesized a material found in space to turn it into a weapon. Parker was hoping it was the Russians. Torres was hoping it was aliens. He mentioned that “Cocoon” was his favorite movie.
They looked into Greene and someone called him several times on the night he died. The call lasted less than two seconds every time. It was Daniel Silcott calling him. They were both a part of the UAP watch group. Daniel was calling him because he figured someone had to tell him there’s been a sighting in his neighborhood.
Daniel never reached him because he kept getting static each time he called. It was like someone was blocking Greene’s phone. Greene also couldn’t expect calls from anyone else in the group because the others all hated him. They were pulling in good money to help them search for aliens.
That all dried up after Greene testified before congress. There were some that didn’t want to be connected to a laughing stock such as Greene. And that’s why the group came to blame Greene for their misfortunes.
They needed eyes on the group. McGee and Knight were chosen to go in undercover. Torres was supposed to keep watch from a parked car only he lost consciousness and woke up two miles away. He doesn’t know how he got there. He was woken up by his friends after they searched for him for six hours.
Torres had no idea where he went. The car’s GPS didn’t track his movements nor did his cell phone. Torres was searched back at headquarters. They found a sedative in his blood. He also thought he smelled his grandmother’s feet.
Her feet smelled awful like whiteout. Kasie was able to piece together that Torres was drugged and taken to a closed down whiteout factory nearby to where he disappeared.
There they found a private investigator. Only he wasn’t a good guy. He intentionally joined the UAP group because it was his job to discredit Greene. He was hired to make him look crazy. He’s the one that had Greene believing in aliens. The guy doesn’t know who hired him. He was contacted via text. He just followed orders to get paid. He was paid to discredit Greene.
NCIS learned that Greene’s friend Daniel had looked into the private investigator. He hacked the man’s phone. He just didn’t send the text messages. Daniel said that Greene saw an unmanned drone. This drone could think for itself and it can kill for itself. Daniel would know because he created it.
Daniel created artificial intelligence that would grow on its own. He needed money and it was for his dissertation. He was hired by a group out of Sri Lanka. They proved to be a gray market weapons developer and they took his AI off to sell it to the highest bidder.
Daniel has a backdoor into the system. He checked it after he heard Greene’s congressional hearing. Daniel modeled the AI after his late son, Kaiden. Kaiden died in a car accident at seven years old. Daniel was able to connect to him and he learned who was trying to discredit Greene.
It was Congresswoman Shirley Ives. Ives wanted to buy the tech for America. She asked for a demonstration. The demonstration involved an unwitting Grene. Greene started talking about it to everyone and there was a UN sanction against such a weapon much less buying one. And so she tried to discredit him.
The weapons developer planned on making thousands of AI drones. They could be a killing force. There was only one way to stop it now that they no longer believe they can sell it to the United States.
Daniel had to use his kill code. He built into the system. He didn’t want to use it because he had already buried his son once and he couldn’t kill what remained of him, but he was able to say goodbye to him and he used the kill code. It stopped the AI. It also made sure that no weapon could be used with it.
There was just one thing that stood out. It was Element 116. There was no factory that could work with it and the weapons developers didn’t have that tech when they were arrested. And so where did it come from?
And will McGee have to shave his goatee now that no one voted for him to keep it?