Strictly Come Dancing professional dancers Karen Hauer and Gorka Marquez are currently touring the UK with their show Firedance Reignite. We interviewed them about the hugely popular show earlier this year, and last week we got the opportunity to see them in action.
Firedance is a specticle. It’s all emcompassing show, that from the moments the lights go down until they go back up has the audience entranced. Having first toured the hugely popular show a couple of years ago, the talented dance duo have re-worked the show to epic preportions whle still managing to keep the aspects the audience loved the first time round.
With Firedance Reignite it’s all about the show. From the music, the band, the singers to Karen, Gorka and the team of dancers on stage. It’s high energy, fun and fast paced. You can also tell that all who are part of the show have a great time performing it.
The costumes visually are stunning and really add to the over all vibe and feel of Firedance Ignite. As a show you can tell a lot of care and attention has gone in to crafting every aspect from the songs and choreography. It makes for a wonderful night out!
You can book tickets here!