Digital marketers and strategists are inclined to tell the clients they work with how much money they’ll make for them if only they are hired. Selling lofty dreams seems to be the norm in an industry where dreams are fast becoming more valuable than concrete plans and strategies.
But this newfound cool is wrong, says digital strategist Samantha McGregor. “Selling dreams to clients, mostly when you, as a digital strategist, don’t understand the business and its unique needs, is terrible for all involved.”
Samantha is a renowned email marketing and digital strategist, passionate about helping women of color and those from minority groups scale up in the eCommerce business. Samantha has many years of experience in customer growth and working with start-ups. She believes that strategists need to sell clarity and not pipe dreams.
Samantha doesn’t deny that many businesses are always on the lookout for the latest technique and shiny new tools’, believing that shiny equals innovative and that innovative equals solutions.
But the reality is otherwise: what’s new isn’t always what’s needed, Samantha says.
When digital strategists are hired to help a struggling business, many are quick to throw some random formulas, with lofty promises of growing sales by outrageous margins
While many of them are aware of the unfeasibility of these dreams, others are ignorant. Many of them need a positive shift in sales and profits and throw their monies into these ‘one-size-fits-all’ strategies. The disappointment they are met with is often hard, business-wrecking, and sometimes, with loads of financial resources and time already spent.
Samantha McGregor has advised businesses, especially those struggling financially, not to believe these ‘wonders working strategies.’
“Am I saying digital strategies are ineffective? of course not. If I did, I’d be out of business before dawn. However, digital experts must focus on giving the business clarity when creating strategies, and not pipe dreams.”
The Toronto-based email strategist admonishes her colleagues to be truthful in their projections. Samantha does not believe that sales can skyrocket in the twinkle of an eye. Making sales and profits is strategic and demands time, effort, and a clear understanding of what the business is struggling with.
“Every business that isn’t making sales is because of misconceptions on many aspects of the business. Understanding their customer’s journey with the business purpose and then walking back to understand better what isn’t working will give a digital strategist deeper insight into what strategies to implement.”
Samantha would rather spend time gaining clarity than throwing a few random ideas around. Samantha works closely with her clients to better understand the business, and together, they agree on what strategies to employ.
While Samantha McGregor develops the strategies unique to every business, she involves her clients in the implementation process. It helps her and the client know what is working and what isn’t working. It also builds a better relationship between her and her clients, which allows her to be more effective as she understands the business owner’s passion and drives for the business.To follow Samantha McGregor’s journey and get first-hand info, check her pages on Instagram, Facebook, and Website today!