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Taraji Henson and Angelina Jolie want to work together

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Brad Pitt is such a good son to his “mama” Taraji P. Henson. It sounds more and more like Brad is well-aware that he and Angie won’t be taking home any gold at the Oscars, but Brad is still really hopeful for Taraji and her Best Supporting Actress nomination. When the nominations came out, both Brad and director David Fincher were most excited about Taraji’s nomination.

All of this is according to a new interview with OK! Magazine. Taraji even talks about how she and Angelina get along so well they’re now looking for a film to do together! OK! has more:

It sounds like the most nail-biting moment for Brad Pitt on Oscar night won’t be when his category is read out – at least, not if his reaction to the nominations is anything to go by.

His co-star in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Taraji P. Henson, says that Brad and producer David Fincher were more excited about her getting her first Academy Award nomination than they were about their own.

“As soon as they introduced the movies Brad and Fincher ran back to the hotel, and they ran in the room,” Taraji, who played Brad’s mother in the movie, told OK! at a party in New York hosted by Tuppeware.

“They didn’t ask if the movie got nominated, if they got nominated – they were like, “did Taraji get it, did Taraji get it? Then they immediately started jumping up and down.

“Brad sent me an e-mail saying, “Hey mama – job well done, you so deserve it.”

“I was like, “I’ll always be Brad Pitt’s mama!”

And Taraji said that she clicked with Brad significant other, Angelina Jolie, just as much as him – so much so that they’re hoping to work together.

“Oh they are darling, darling, darling – I love her. We’re trying to get a film together.”

“We’re talking about it. We’re bouncing around ideas. She’s busy for the next like year and a half. So, I’m just trying to get right behind that.”

From OK! Magazine

There are some big hopes being placed on Taraji’s shoulders. Statistics guru Nate Silver predicts that she’ll win, and out of all the major awards Benjamin Button is nominated for, Taraji has the best shot. It would be a heart-warming story too – Taraji has gone through some real personal struggles. Her son’s father was murdered, and Taraji used to live on welfare. I’m kind of hoping Taraji takes home the gold!

Taraji Henson is shown at the “Women in Film’s 2nd Annual Pre-Oscar Cocktail Party” on 2/19/09, Credit: WENN/Fayes Vision, and at the “Essence Black Women In Hollywood Luncheon” earlier that day. Header image of Taraji at the ACE Awards on 2/15/09. Angelina Jolie is shown at the BAFTA Awards on 2/8/09. Credit: WENN
