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Taylor Swifts new single Gorgeous is about Joe Alwyns impossible beauty


Even though I’m a Dedicated Snake Hater™, I can at times appreciate Taylor Swift’s music for what it is: frothy, superficial pop music. I’ll admit to singing along with more than a few Swift songs, and I will even admit to relating to one or two of her songs. Granted, I’m older than Swift and I’m not an innocent blonde child, so I can’t relate that much. But I’ll say it: her new song “Gorgeous” took me back to my high school-college era. That moment when you want to talk to the really good-looking guy but you just can’t because you’re scared and nervous and OMG what if he, like, doesn’t even care? Behold, Tay-Tay’s “Gorgeous.”

“I got a boyfriend, he’s older than us, he’s in the club doing I don’t know what…” So, this is another song about Joe Alwyn?? She also made a reference to Joe’s youth in “Ready For It,” with the lyrics: “He don’t try at all, though/Younger than my exes but he act like such a man, so/I see nothing better, I keep him forever.” Everyone believe this is about Joe and his beauty. Hm. So, yeah… I actually think Tom Hiddleston is more attractive than Joe…?

While some have theorized that Taylor’s Reputation is going to be another lyrical burn book slamming all of her enemies (Calvin Harris, Tom Hiddleston, Kimye, Katy Perry), I’m starting to wonder if many of the songs are just about Joe, with a few jabs and digs in there about Tom Hiddleston? I mean, Joe Jonas got a whole song devoted to him. Jake Gyllenhaal got several songs devoted to him. Harry Styles practically got half an album devoted to him. Wouldn’t it be a bigger diss to Tom Hiddleston if she only mentions him as a lyrical aside?

Also: while I still don’t “get” why “Look What You Made Me Do” was some kind of audaciously self-aware moment from Swift, I will give her this: I appreciate the fact that she’s truly letting her stalker-flag fly. “Gorgeous” is flat-out about a girl who is obsessing over a guy and objectifying him and imagining all of the things she wants to tell him.

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Photos/IGs courtesy of Taylor Swift and Getty.
