Tom Hanks and his wife of 32 years, Rita Wilson, have left an Australian hospital after the couple tested positive for the deadly Coronavirus. Though they have made it through the rough part and are in recovery mode, Tom has made it clear that having Coronavirus is no piece of cake. The couple stated that they knew something was wrong when they had fevers, chills, and felt unwell. They were hospitalized and quarantined. Fortunately for the couple, they were able to stay together while they recovered. After leaving the hospital, the A-listers rented a home where they are continuing their self-isolation and recovery.
Tom stated that his and Rita’s fevers broke, but they still aren’t feeling back to usual. You may see the post and caption that Tom shared that provided the update below.
“Hey folks. Good News: One week after testing Positive, in self-isolation, the symptoms are much the same. No fever but the blahs. Folding the laundry and doing the dishes leads to a nap on the couch. Bad news: My wife @ritawilson has won 6 straight hands of Gin Rummy and leads by 201 points. But I have learned not to spread my Vegemite so thick. I travelled here with a typewriter, one I used to love. We are all in this together. Flatten the curve. Hanx”
Many fans were surprised to see that Tom Hanks favorite typewriter was a Corona and the irony didn’t escape them. They also noticed that Tom said it was a typewriter that he “used” to love.
Now, some are wondering what Tom is going to do with that typewriter and if he will keep it as it will always serve as a reminder of this difficult time.
Tom’s update follows one from his rapper-son, Chet Hanks, who seems to think his parents are going to recover well and is thankful they are healing quickly.
You may see Chet Hanks as he provided an update regarding his parents’ condition in the video player below.
It’s important to remember that the vast majority of people who contract Coronavirus will not require hospitalization or even develop the dangerous symptom of shortness of breath. For many, the virus will cause a sore throat, runny nose, fever, and body pains, that will subside within 1 to 2 weeks.
Those who experience shortness of breath should contact their local health department or call his or her physician rather than show up at a doctor’s office or emergency room.