Brooklyn Sims, an 18-year-old Home Depot employee was allegedly shot to death by Keith Agee, with whom Brooklyn shared a two-year-old daughter. The incident occurred on August 11, 2023.
Keith Agee, the 20-year-old, reportedly murdered the victim inside the Florida Home Depot where she worked. Agee allegedly conspired with his mother to commit the murder, as per authorities. After the shooting of Brooklyn Sims, Keith Agee surrendered to the Pensacola Police Department over a phone call.
After being arrested, Keith Agee is being charged with first-degree premeditated murder and aggravated battery. Authorities believe that Keith Agee’s mother, Sheila Agee, actively encouraged her son to commit the murder on the basis of text messages shared between the two. Sheila Agee is accused of being a principal to first-degree premeditated murder.
Sheila Agee allegedly encouraged her son to murder Brooklyn Sims
Authorities have released text exchanges between Sheila Agee and Keith Agee which seem to show that the former actively encouraged the latter to commit the murder.
One message shows Keith telling his mother that he wants to just shoot Sims. His mother in response encourages Keith to go ahead with it and even offers her assistance by providing the victim’s location and offering to drive him to her workplace.
“According to text messages, it’s clear that Keith Agee’s mother, Sheila Agee, knew and participated in the plan to kill Brooklyn Sims…Additionally, text messages between mother and son highlight the mother’s involvement in helping locate the victim.”Brooklyn Sims was shot to death at the Pensacola Home Depot store on North Davis Avenue as per the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. However, those who knew the victim have reported that she had had domestic abuse issues with the accused. XI Xang Parnell, a friend of Sims who sustained minor injuries during the shooting, said:
"The first time he did it, it wasn't ok. I mean I wish -- maybe he could've gotten help. Now it's just senseless"Sims’s family members were also aware of the aforementioned issues. Her brother, Breland Carter made the following statement:
"When it first happened, I was aware. And then there was a hiatus. She took him to court, did what she had to, then somehow this ended up being the result…How he was out to do something like this, I don't know. In my opinion, it was, 'if I can't have you, no one can have you.' The last time I talked to her, she just wanted to be a good mother, was looking to start a job and get an apartment."On Monday, August 14, 2023, family and friends of Brooklyn Sims gathered at Davis Park in her memory. She is survived by her 2-year-old daughter.
According to jail records, both Agees are currently being held at the Escambia County Jail. On Thursday, Sheila Agee's attorney argued in court that the messages were misinterpreted and requested a $250,000 bond. The next court date for Sheila Agee is slated for September 8.
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