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Who is Benedetta Quagli Dating? Everything About Federico Chiesa Girlfriend

Benedetta Quagli’s age is currently 20 years. She is well known for her relationship with the football star Federico Chiesa. Learn more about her. 

Federico Chiesa is a famous Italian football player from A Club Juventas. Federico and Benedetta have been dating for a while.

Benedetta is popular worldwide because of her relationship with the football star. Though she has not revealed much information about her, she falls into the group of most-searched people on the internet.

Meet Her on Instagram

Benedetta has a verified Instagram account under the name @she.s.benni. There, she has 128k followers.

Benedetta Quagli Net Worth

Benedetta’s exact data of net worth is under review right now.

Regarding her income, models are paid $41K annually in Italy. Meanwhile, her boyfriend has an astonishing earning whose net worth is more than  $2.78 million. He is reported to earn $82,799 weekly.

Who Is Federico Chiesa Girlfriend Benedetta Quagli? Her Wikipedia Bio

Federico Chiesa’s girlfriend Benedetta Quagli is a young Italian lady.

Despite her fame, she is not listed on Wikipedia’s official webpage as she is only related to a celebrity but not a celebrity herself. Benedetta has not revealed herself much to the media.

However, she is very popular on the internet because of her relationship with the football star. They both had started dating in 2019 and seem to be in a healthy relationship. Benedetta frequently shares their pictures on her Instagram.

Coincidentally, Benedetta’s father’s name is also Federico. She has a brother named Edarado Quagli. However, she has not shared much about her family.

She has done her schooling in Italy. There is no further academic information found about her. Professionally she is a model and social media influencer.

She has done photo shoots and modeling for various magazines and brands. Also, she is a social media influencer and has more than a hundred thousand followers on her Instagram.

Benedetta Quagli Age

Benedetta’s age is now 20 years old.

She was born on 2nd February 2001 in Italy. She was born with Aquarius as her zodiac sign.

Meanwhile, her boyfriend, Federico, is now 23 years old.
